Monday, 29 June 2009

Blogger Issues

Have to say I don't find Blogger the easiest of systems to use.

I've used two other website editors and Blogger is definitely the most difficult of the three. It's made worse by the fact that the only support is via articles on the website. If you can't find the information you want there, well that's just your hard luck.

However on the plus side it's free and I've met lots of other lovely bloggers there so I'll stick with it. I assume it will gradually improve. I just wish there was some way you could feed back your suggestions to them to help improve the system.

Back to my current problem of inserting photographs.

Recently I can't understand why my photos never enlarge when you click on them now.
I follow the instructions given on the Blogger website and was sure that I was inserting them in the same way every time. Most of my photographs on previous postings do enlarge when you click them.

Recently I'd also been having a lot of problems with formatting and aligning text and photographs, so I decided to use the centre layout for the photographs on the Blogger upload when I inserted them instead of formatting them later.

(If you find this hard to read you can click on this photo and it will enlarge)

This certainly resolved the problem of the text jumping about and centring when I wanted it left aligned.

However I do have a problem with getting the photos to enlarge on my postings when you click on them. I have searched Blogger and Googled the problem but couldn't find a solution.

In desperation I tried lots of different ways to insert the photos. Now after spending ages on inserting photos and checking Blogger help (no help at all) I think I know what has happened.

I discovered that when I inserted photographs, if I didn't choose a layout and centred it afterwards, I could enlarge the photos on my postings by clicking on them. Eureka!

(If you find this hard to read you can click on this photo and it will enlarge)

I had the problem with left aligning the text again but at least the photos now enlarge. Why on earth is there a difference and why doesn't it give you any information about this anywhere? What a weird system Blogger is!

Update - The plot thickens!

I posted some information about this on my other Blog and Myra got in touch. She said she uses the centre layout to insert the photos and they always enlarge. So I tried a test posting and used the centre layout to insert a photo and guess what! It enlarged.

What a weird system this is. Why didn't it enlarge the photos last week when I did my posting on Michelle's Mailart. I also had to re insert every photo on my Rhodes Flora posting when they wouldn't enlarge.

Just disregard all the instructions above. I give up!

My other problem is that if you insert the photos after you have written the text the formatting goes absolutely daft. I get huge spaces all over the place. I think I'll try inserting all the photos in the correct order when I start a posting and then put the text in later.

I'm considering learning html as I do everything with the Compose tab and not Edit Html. At the moment I haven't the time to explore what this involves.

If anyone has any advice about inserting photos and easy ways of formatting text I'd be really grateful.

Post 3


bigbikerbob said...

Hi, I certainly am no computer whiz but I have been blogging (on the old blogger)for nearly three years now. What I do is keep all my pictures the same size and use the centre position all the time.I also start by writing my bottom of the blog piece with "Joke of the day" then ad my pictures after.As soon as i have two pictures I write in between them going on to the top.When i do reach the top i add an extra picture (any old rubbish) wtite under it, then delete the picture it leaves the Text on the top then.Bob

A Brit in Tennessee said...

oooh Winifred, I have recently written a posting of computer frustrastion and not being able to visit certain sites, since downloading IE8. I named the post Computer Says No...sorry I was not aware you had a web page named that, I was taking the line from Little Britain.
Anyhow, I understand if you use the drop and drag feature to move photos around on your Blogger posting, it breaks the "enlarge picture" link/code. Try that and see if I'm correct.
Great info thanks for sharing.